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The college organized a welcome programme to extend a warm reception to Rev. Father Januarius S. San

The college organized a welcome programme to extend a warm reception to Rev. Father Januarius S. Sangma SDB, the new Principal of Don Bosco College Tura. The welcome programme commenced with a prayer dance gracefully performed by the students. This was followed by the welcome speech by Fr. John Paul Tirkey, Vice Principal of the college. In his speech Vice Principal extended warm welcome to the principal on behalf of the entire college along with the felicitation. Dr. Barbara S. Sangma, IQAC Coordinator also expressed her joy to welcome the new principal. Performing the song ‘Welcome to the Family’ the students cordially welcomed the new principal. Dr. Biswajit Paul, HOD Department of Zoology extended his heartfelt welcome on behalf of the teachers. Speaking to the gathering Fr. Januarius S Sangma, Principal thanked the staff and students for the cordial welcome. He also expressed his happiness to be a part of the college. He spoke to students about discipline and importance of learning. He further added that he will be working hard for the benefit of the students. The programme concluded with vote of thanks delivered by Sir Ksanbhor Kharkhongor, HOD, Department of Geography.

Date: 28th June 2024