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Elocution Competition by the Department of English

Elocution Competition by the Department of English

The department of English Don Bosco College, Tura held its Annual Elocution Day in honourof William Shakespeare. The host of the celebration a 2nd Semester student Chesimchi compeered the programe with creatively.

Sr. (Dr) Lucy R. Marak welcomed the Principal Rev. Fr. Bivan Mukhim Rodrigues, the IQAC coordination of the College Dr. Barbara S Sangma, the Judges Mrs. Benobitha Sangma and Sir Thomas M Marak, the members of the Meghalaya Grassroots Music Project and Nokpante Productions, colleagues of the Department of English and other colleagues and last but not the least the students of the department of English

Dr. Barbara S Sangma, the IQAC coordinator of the College, gave the keynote address, highlighting the works of Shakespeare “the bard of Avon’. She also pointed out saying that the students could have performed much better. She repeatedly told them that they need to practise and practise. She emphasized saying the practise, seriousness and concentration is essential if one wishes to perform well.

Speaking on the occasion, the Principal Rev. Fr. Bivan Mukhim SDB, congratulated the Department for their active participation in the events and activities of the College. He also said that public speaking is not easy, and now it has been included in the NEP as a subject known as Communication Skill. However, he regretted that the College is unable to provide a proper stage for their performance but assured that in one or two years time, the college will be able to provide a proper stage for the students to display their artistic skills.

Once the Elocution was over, the stage was occupied by the 6th semester students who enacted a scene from Macbeth, The IQAC coordinator then declared the results and the certificates were given by the Principal. The 1st position was bagged by Abihail Mingku N Marak, 2nd place by Chakram N Sangmaand third place by Mikkimrasong D Sangma.

The day came to an end a vote of thanks proposed by Miss Jessy T. Sangma, and everyone enjoyed snacks.