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ENTREPRENEURSHIP AWARENESS PROGRAM Empowers Students to Explore Business Ventures.

Aspiring to ignite the entrepreneurial spirit within the students, an Entrepreneurship Awareness Program was conducted on August 29, 2023, at the Don Bosco College of Teacher Education in Tura. The program aimed to cultivate the mindset of entrepreneurship among the fifth semester BSc, BCom, and BA Economics students. The event was organized by the BioNest - B3I TEAM from NEHU Tura Campus, with Dr. Suman Kumar Nandy, the CEO of B3I Facility, NEHU, Tura Campus, leading the program as the main resource person.

The event commenced with a welcome and opening remarks from Fr. Bivan Rodriques Mukhim, the Principal of Don Bosco College, Tura. He emphasized the evolving landscape of employment and highlighted the need for students to recognize the potential of entrepreneurship. "There are no white-collar jobs," Fr. Mukhim stated emphatically, encouraging all attendees to seek opportunities for starting their own businesses and embarking on the journey of becoming entrepreneurs.

The program unfolded in two informative sessions, each conducted by the B3I Team from NEHU Tura Campus:

Session I - Nurturing Entrepreneurial Mindsets: Learning the How The first session, titled "You can also be an ENTREPRENEUR: Let us learn HOW," delved into the core concepts of entrepreneurship. The B3I Team from NEHU Tura Campus provided valuable insights on how to foster an entrepreneurial mindset and navigate the challenges that come with it. Through real-world examples and interactive discussions, students were exposed to various aspects of entrepreneurship, igniting their curiosity and enthusiasm.

Session II - Crafting the Path Forward: Idea Generation & Presentation In the second session, "A Step Ahead – Detailed Guideline for Idea Generation & Presentation," the B3I Team from NEHU Tura Campus provided students with a comprehensive roadmap for generating innovative business ideas and effectively presenting them. The session aimed to empower students with practical tools to brainstorm ideas, validate them, and communicate their vision persuasively.

Throughout the program, participants engaged in open interactions after each session. Their eagerness to learn was evident as they posed thoughtful questions, seeking clarifications and insights from the resource persons. This dynamic exchange of ideas created a vibrant learning atmosphere and showcased the genuine interest of the students in understanding the nuances of entrepreneurship.

The event concluded with a Vote of Thanks delivered by Sir Namsang K. Marak, Assistant Professor from the Department of Commerce at Don Bosco College. He expressed gratitude to the B3I Team from NEHU Tura Campus for their enlightening sessions, and to all the participants for their active involvement.